




Internationalization Handbook for Cleantech SMEs

(BiCS project final report, 2018)

Internationally Scalable Business from Digitality

(Digipro project final report, 2019)

The Influence of Network Competence on Internationalization of SMEs

(My doctoral dissertation, 2013)

I am Associate Professor at LUT Business School, and Adjunct Professor of International Business in the Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku.


My research interests are in the international entrepreneurship and international business domains, focusing on international growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially in sustainable and digital entrepreneurship. I have previously published in the Industrial Marketing Management, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, and European Management Journal, among other journals and publishers.



Examples of Publications:

About me

Contemporary Issues in International Business and Entrepreneurship

(Edited collection published in 2021)